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Diets are temporary. Balance is forever.

are you ready to:

Your body is the only place you'll live for the rest of your life.

It's never too late to treat it well.

Hi, I'm Krista!

A Registered Dietitian and habit change coach. I live for helping people like you take care of your body and feel confident in your skin.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be so restrictive or complicated.

My mission is to show you that you don’t need to give up everything you love to be healthy and feel amazing. I’m here to help you find that forever kind of change – one that feels easy to do and realistic for your real life.

Your healthy, balanced living journey starts here!

you can get started now

The Transformation

Nutrition Coaching Package

 This coaching package is designed to help you create lasting change. Perfect for the person looking for the tools and accountability to sustainably lose weight, change disordered eating thoughts and patterns, or heal their relationship with food.

Work one-on-one with Krista to build new habits and a new lifestyle that you actually enjoy and can stick to. This monthly coaching package is completely customized to you – your body, your taste preferences, your schedule, and your goals. There is no contract, you can decide how many months of support suits you best.

Strategy Session

Phone or Video Call

A phone or video nutrition strategy session is for the person who wants nutrition advice from an expert without the high accountability of a coaching package. 

In a strategy session, Krista will provide you with the education, resources, and guidance you need to help you get from where you are now to where you want to be. Follow-up sessions are available upon request.

The Method

Nutrition Plan and E-Book

Not ready for nutrition coaching but still want a custom nutrition plan?  

If you are confused by the massive amount of misinformation online and would like detailed nutrition targets and recommendations written for you by a Registered Dietitian, then the method is for you. 

Receive a customized nutrition assessment with the nutrient targets for your body and your goals, as well as written personalized recommendations from Krista – without a coaching call. Plus, receive my 60+ page Balanced Nutrition e-book to help you ditch dieting and master balanced nutrition at your own pace.

past client reviews:

Don't miss out on free advice!


Looking for nutrition information you can trust? Visit my blog for tons of evidence-based information and my professional opinion on a variety of nutrition hot topics!


Get started on your journey to balanced nutrition with some freebies! Grab them right now.

My Mission

To end the yo-yo dieting cycle forever! Your health and your body are with you forever, so it’s time to stop relying on short-term diets or quick fixes to achieve good health. We all need a long-term plan that fits our unique body, lifestyle, schedule and tastebuds.

I want to help every client optimize their physical health without compromising their mental health or sacrificing their social life. After all, food is meant to be enjoyed!


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